Services for Women
Erotic Massage Primer (Prerequisite)
3 hr min session for $375
With clear communication skills under your belt, and boundaries set so you can relax and feel safe, you are more able to truly be present in your body and open to feel and receive the touch that is being offered. Sexual pleasure and intimacy can easily get interrupted by fear of trespassing, unresolved emotional issues between you and your partner, stressful thoughts of work, physical pain or discomfort. This primer session is geared to help you lay the groundwork for ongoing safety, clear communication and embodied experience. When I sense you out of your body, or showing discomfort, I will stop the touch, check in with you and together we will do what is needed to 1) create a safe place 2) help you communicate clearly and 3) clear or process any thoughts feelings or physical discomfort that prevents you from being truly “present” in the session.
{Primer Session Prerequisites: This session is a prerequisite for any other session offerings. The prerequisite might be waived if your level of experience includes previous erotic massages or advanced communication skills and boundary setting}
Erotic massage primers do not include massage of the breasts or genitals but instead focus on priming the pump to prepare you for the best erotic massage ever. What does that involve, you ask? Clear communication. Presence in your body. Feeling safe.
These can all be yours with practice and skill. All three are critical to a pleasurable and equal erotic exchange. This primer session is geared to help you secure all three. Many women have been taught, by default, that sexual exchange consists of silent acceptance of what comes to her. Some have found indirect ways to communicate what they want – e.g. squirming away from the touch you don’t like, or excusing yourself to go to the bathroom – but these methods are very easily misunderstood by your partner and are seldom effective at helping you get what you want. They also create obstacles to ongoing intimacy.
I’m here to help you find clear, constructive ways to set boundaries, make requests and suggestions for change in a way that your partner not only feels like the best lover ever, but is eager for your instruction on how to improve. It’s a win-win situation! And it primes the pump for pleasurable sexual exchanges.
Yoni Healing for Women
*See primer session prerequisites*
The word Yoni is not only the Sanskrit word for the female genitalia but it also carries with it an implicit reverence for the sacred aspects of our sexuality. A yoni healing is an invitation to explore and express all aspects of who you are (physical, emotional, spiritual) while you receive sexual touch. The session includes external ( e.g. perineum, labia and clitoris ) and internal genital massage (depending on your requests for and direction throughout the session).
The bodywork commences only after a healing intention and focus for the session has been set. We will work together to clarify a goal for our time together. If you have any special requests or concerns we can address them before booking, or you can bring your ideas and thoughts with you to the session. I encourage you to “think” and ‘feel” this through beforehand and write your ideas down if possible.
Once you have clarified your goal(s) and any needed parameters have been set, the session can begin. While I may offer suggestions, and options for different kinds of touch as the session unfolds, your needs and desires will be honored each step of the way. I encourage you to invite your body and feelings (not your mind) to direct the session. This is to say, that while your mind may have identified specific goals for the session, your body may want and need something quite different. I encourage you to listen carefully to your body’s wisdom as the session unfolds. Staying connected to the breath is a powerful, yet simple way to hear what the body (and spirit) has to tell us.
G-Spot Intensive for Women
3 hr session for $375
G-Spot intensive is great for women wanting to find, explore or refine their awareness of their G-Spot. Together we will map out the perimeters of the structure, find the areas that are erogenous to you, and experiment with different types of touch and pressure. There is also an option to incorporate dildos or GSpot tools into the session. This session will assist you in not only mapping your G-Spot pleasure areas but will teach you numerous ways to stimulate and arouse the G-Spot on its own and in combination with other pleasure zones. This is a great starter kit for you and /or your lover.
While some women do experience female ejaculation in these sessions, it is more likely to happen when that goal or expectation has NOT been set beforehand.
Anal Massage for Women
2 hr session for $300 or 3 hr for $375
This session is great for women who are curious about anal sex. The session begins with an overall body massage to get you relaxed, an external anal massage, instruction in an anal breathing technique to help relax the pelvic floor and sphincter muscles and if your body invites me, some internal massage. This is a very slow and gentle massage and perfect for women who are curious about, but have not yet experienced, anal play.
Designed Alliance Session
(1.5 hr – 3 hr at $150 per hr)
This session is a tailor-made designed alliance, created to serve your needs with the skill base that I can offer. The session can be changed or altered in the moment or as conditions change, but my focus is about working towards a larger goal that you have set, with the methods and activities potentially changing as the session unfolds. I will work with you based on what is showing up in the moment and in response to the feedback you provide.