778-992-1550 bodyerotic@gmail.com

What to Expect

Expand, Explore & Embody


Clients come to me because they want to expand, explore or more fully embody their erotic and sexual selves. Some people want to address a problem or limitation that is preventing them from a satisfying sex life. Others come to me because they are being called to grow and explore new sexual or erotic terrain but are unsure how or where to begin. Others come to me to learn touch and intimacy skills that were never taught to them. Still others come to me because they want to learn how to manage and work with the erotic and sexual energy in their body.

I can help you  identify what might be getting in the way of a satisfying sex life; help you to assess areas of strength / growth in your mind/body/spirit connectedness; discuss ways to invigorate the sex life with your long term partner; or help you safely explore the boundaries of your comfort zone. I am also able to help you build skills in the area of sex and intimacy.

Absolute Discretion


My sessions take place in a safe, dedicated space that assures your anonymity.

If I see you in public outside of our sessions, I will preserve your privacy by not acknowledging you as an acquaintance unless you initiate contact. If you do initiate contact, I will keep the

interaction brief and will describe you as an acquaintance whom I met through other acquaintances, if asked. If asked how we met, I will defer to you for explanation.

I do this out of respect for your privacy as my client.

For your information, I am quite publicly open about my professional profile as an erotic bodyworker and sex coach so if you want to identify me in that way, feel free. I am also known as a non-­erotic bodyworker, life coach and energy healer so feel free to tag me in these lights as well.

One Way Touch


I perform all of my work fully clothed and all of my sessions are one way touch (from me to you). While I appreciate that many tantric practitioners use interactive work to support erotic communication, my work facilitates your communication with yourself, with your body and the erotic energy moving through it.

Put another way, my sessions focus on getting you “out of your mind” and “into your body”.

Many of us live most of our day in our minds and have forgotten what it feels like to listen to our body. As we tune out of our body we also limit the pleasure, knowledge and wisdom that the body has to share with us.

Likewise the shame attached to masturbation means that many of us only know what erotic energy feels like when we are with a partner. The attention we pay to reciprocating pleasure often means that we limit our ability to receive pleasure.

By keeping the session one way touch, you can focus on listening to your body and savoring the pleasure erotic energy has to offer. Moreover, by receiving erotic touch from another with no need to reciprocate, you have an opportunity to expand your erotic repertoire.

Whatever your reason, you are most welcome to attend a one person bodywork session as a couple.

Breath & Sound


Most sessions begin with breathwork so you can get out of your mind and into your body. Conscious breathwork is a very simple but potent way to attune and listen to what your body has to say. Another way to help the body “speak “is to make sounds that feel right as you exhale. For some, sounding sacred mantras is one way ( e.g. so ham, or ham sa ), for others, letting out a big sigh or moan is equally effective. Sound making is also a very effective feedback mechanism to offer your lovers so they can follow your non verbal cues telling them what you would like more of (moan) or less of (groan). Sound also helps to clear and move more subtle energies. I encourage you to make sounds that suit you. Know that you are in a supportive sound environment when you visit me.

Emotional Release


Many people have emotional experiences when they receive bodywork. This, I believe, supports the notion that our emotional life often finds a home in the tissue of our body (we hold our issues in our tissues). This can happen when we do not or cannot fully express the emotions when they originally arise.

I encourage you to allow yourself to “be with” whatever may come up. Know that I am comfortable being quiet in the presence of strong emotions and we can shift or stop the bodywork (or session) at any time to support returning to balance.So, if you do have an emotional experience while receiving bodywork, remember that this is very common and you are not alone. Feeling emotions while you receive an erotic massage is a common and healthy impulse. Allow yourself to feel what is happening, keep breathing, and the energy will eventually shift (e­motion means energy in motion) and move. Often, if we just allow the feelings to arise and stay connected to where in the body we feel them (a somatic tool discussed more in the somatic education section of the website) we will notice that once acknowledged, they shift and change. However, if we resist the feelings, they will persist. If we allow them, trusting that we will never feel more than we are ready for, they will move through us, releasing energy blocks as they do.

If you are booking a session with a distinctive healing intention in mind, e.g, wanting to process or heal a specific emotional issue, please let me know beforehand so we can design the session and space to ensure that you get the support you need. I am able to hold space quietly or support you with verbal or hands on support to work through what comes up. While each session is unique and not predictable, having a conversation before the session can prepare us both to work together more cooperatively and sensitively.


Drugs and Alcohol: Zero Tolerance


 If you book a session and arrive for the appointment under the influence of drugs or alcohol, I will cancel the session. Arriving under the influence of drugs or alcohol limits your ability to be present for the session and will definitely result in a forfeit of your deposit.