778-992-1550 bodyerotic@gmail.com

Sex Coaching

Sex Coaching

$200 per hour

Coaching, at its core, is about supporting people to initiate, manage or grow through a change process – you may want to drop a bad habit, stretch into exploring new and scary arenas, or make a dream or fantasy come true. Coaching helps people access their inner resources, creativity and imagination as they strive to design and live a dream life that reflects their values.

Coaching in the area of sexuality is not entirely different from life coaching, except that the forum for change is in the area of sex and intimacy. Many life coaches are uncomfortable venturing into the area of sexuality with their clients, but I welcome such exploration and can support you in yours.

I can coach you as you strive to develop or build on your sexual skills, expand the boundaries of your erotic life or deepen your intimacy with others. Because I have been engaged in this area for many years, I can also support you with information and resources based on my extensive knowledge and experience as an addition to the coaching process.

My life coaching style (body ­based coaching) relies heavily on incorporating breath work, body awareness and sensation as part of the experience. If you are wanting to explore your sexual being but find an erotic bodywork session too scary or intimate (and you would not be unusual in this sentiment), a coaching session or program may be more fitting for you at this time.

Through over the phone or in person coaching, I can help you build erotic and body-­based skills and awareness as a comfortable alternative to an erotic bodywork session. Learning to habitually include body and sensory awareness in daily living can be a powerful bridge to a more fully embodying sexual experience. I can meet you wherever you are in your erotic/sexual journey and will hold a safe, non­judgemental space for you to stretch yourself, step by step, beyond your comfort zone. We can explore beliefs, fears and curiosities while also building your skills in listening to your body for wise counsel.